After 2 years and 3 months online, has become what it is now thanks to you all. Any word of thanks we could say would be insufficient. Thank You for all the support you have given us and your continued support daily through all of our social networks. It's an honor, a pleasure and a satisfaction to maintain this website and even more so to have met so many of you through emails or various PM's more personally.
Thanks also to the other administrators of the various Facebook fan pages that we have met this year and with whom we share our interests daily via Twitter. It has been a pleasure to work from time to time with some of you and we hope to do so more in the future.
We especially want to thank the professionalism and friendliness of creative directors, brands, agencies and public relations representative, photographers etc., that have been in contact with us and have trusted in DjG to collaborate with them in certain published articles to offer the fullest possible information for you all.
We're taking advantage today, because yesterday we surpassed the 800.000 pages visited on the blog, we want to share with you all the scores we have achieved and until now has remained backstage at DjG. This is necessary to mention that the blog DjG is a version 2.0 (March 2012) and this is reflected in the discrepancy between the external accountant and blogger itself. So to estimate the total number of hits on the blog would amount to 275.000, while in the web the value specified by the external accountant is real and 119.000. Not to bore you with numbers and ranges we will show you instead with the preferred image format and so you may have a more general conceptual vision.
We can not conclude this post without sincerely and wholeheartedly thanking Mr. Gandy for your kindness and for having shared several links of our published posts. We hope to continue enjoying and reporting all of your future projects and we will continue to support you in all of your achievements and all of your professional goals on
Thank you all!